Microsurgical varicocelectomy
Abdulaziz Baazeem and Armand Zini
Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
The indications for microsurgical varicocelectomy are: (i) in men with infertility, abnormal semen values and a clinical varicocele; (ii) in those with scrotal pain related to a clinical varicocele; (iii) in children with a clinical varicocele associated with ipsilateral testicular atrophy; and in cases of hypogonadism with clinical varicocele. Thus patients with a clinical varicocele and no contraindications to surgery are those selected. Specific equipment/materials required are an operating microscope ( × 12–20), and microsurgical instruments (needle driver, jeweller’s forceps). The only specific patient preparation required is shaving or clipping of the pubic hair on the day of surgery; no other specific measures are
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