Cắt bỏ dãn tĩnh mạch thừng tinh bằng vi phẫu

Microsurgical varicocelectomy

Abdulaziz Baazeem and Armand Zini
Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada

The indications for microsurgical varicocelectomy are: (i) in men with infertility, abnormal semen values and a clinical varicocele; (ii) in those with scrotal pain related to a clinical varicocele; (iii) in children with a clinical varicocele associated with ipsilateral testicular atrophy; and in cases of hypogonadism with clinical varicocele. Thus patients with a clinical varicocele and no contraindications to surgery are those selected. Specific equipment/materials required are an operating microscope ( × 12–20), and microsurgical instruments (needle driver, jeweller’s forceps). The only specific patient preparation required is shaving or clipping of the pubic hair on the day of surgery; no other specific measures are

Nguồn: Hội Tiết niệu - Thận học Thừa Thiên Huế
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